...My May One-Pot-Wonder is inspired by some utterly beautiful little Salvias I saw yesterday at my local garden centre. I bought three of these little lovelies (always buy three of everything, unless it's Jimmy Choos, in which case you want three different pairs)...anyway, where was I?...Ah yes, the salvias - so prettily spikey and violetey blue. I also came across one lonely Geranium - the last one left, and I just had to rescue it. When I got home I put all this in a pot with some hairy-soft silvery helichrysum (the mini-version)...perfect....but then I remembered the utterly gorgeous Alys Fowler who I'm watching avidly on telly doing her thing and as an homage I stuck in a pea seedling with a willow stick:
I know, the photo is pants - I just can't seem to get the essence of it - here are some close-ups:
So: here's what's in my pot:
1 Salvia nemerosa 'Ostfriesland'
1 Helichrysum microphyllum 'Silver Mist'
1 Geranium Kashmir Purple
1 Pea seedling
Some sort of support (I used willow peasticks)
The pot is 30 cm diameter and I used ordinary peat-free multi-purpose compost with some fertilizer granules thrown in.