Laetitia Maklouf

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Everything suddenly happens at once...

What richness! - Today, in this heatwave, all this lovely stuff has happened:

Kolkwizia amabilis 'Pink Cloud'...MUCH treasured and something I've been SO excited about seeing...has POPPED!  Thanks little bush.

And then the iris bonanza:

First this:

...then these two later on in the day...

...and then...INTAKE OF BREATH...

my first geranium flower...such an amazing blue...and such veins - I am over the moon to see it.  I'm hoping to see a sea of this very soon because I've properly spread it about.

and lastly, this:

It's my first rose (I'm welling up right now)...I've been squishing the aphids off it for weeks, and it's emerged unscathed, smelling sweetly but with that wonderful citrus 'choke'.... this is pure white and almost blindingly eye-drawing but who the hell cares?  I'm absolutely un-done by it.