Laetitia Maklouf

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More plants I need MORE of..


Lavatera - people are scathing as this is almost a weed, and it doesn't smell, and yet, and yet....I can't help but love it. It was here when I arrived and I think it will probably be here when I go.

Achillea - I grew these from seed last year and they have come back, not as ice-creamily as before but none the worse for their faded beauty. I do have to prop them up with twigs to stop them falling over, but they're worth it.

Cosmos - always a pots or in the ground - #love

Anemone - I think this is Queen Charlotte, a departure from my first love Honorine Jobert and a good one I think...more of these next year - by root cuttings, no this space and I'll show you how.

Erysimum - This perennial wallflower just keeps on going and going. I keep cutting it back and forgives me every time.

Sempervivum - I love the weirdness of these flowers...they seem otherworldly. These have all flowered from a whole batch I planted up back in June

Scabiosa - one word MORE

Next: the WHITES