Laetitia Maklouf

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Seedheads - I can't remember what this was when it was alive...could it be bergamot? Anyone? Gorgeous, isn't it?

Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hamelyn' A touchy feely bouncy bunny rabbit of a plant. I have it in pots right now but it's going to be the star of my flowerbeds this time next year.

Panicum virgatum 'Rehbraun' This is another one that I'm grooming for to take centre stage next year. Babety calls it 'tickly-tickly', which I think is a better name than the one it has at the moment.

And that concludes my list of autumnal hotties. I will add them to the Lust List, (which is getting very badly neglected because of my neanderthal wordpress skills). I shall rectify day.