Laetitia Maklouf

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A Holiday, part 3

 The perfect sunny day with friends, surrounded by late summer splendour...



We went to Haddon Hall, Chatsworth's enchanting neighbour. The inside is delectable, particularly the Long Gallery, which is where one would dream of having the ultimate party or romantic tryst, but here are the gardens, laid out yonks ago of course, and recently re-planted by Arne Maynard. The borders are in their third year, beautifully done and perfectly crafted to echo the acres of delicious stone wall. I ambled with only an iphone for company, so these pictures are not the best. I would urge you to go up there for a jaunt soon...I got there too late for the abundance of roses covering each and every wall, so that is my mission for next year - but I have been in winter, and this place is just as intoxicating in the snow.



Deep deep borders full of deep deep glory


Late summer loveliness


*Gasp* What a canvas....and there is acres of it.


Comfiest, prettiest bench ever (and you can get one made for you too)


Knot garden with no box in sight - another recent addition, made from all things medicinal


Grand steps and pools


Lashings of lavender, covered in butterflies


Erigeron in every crevice....


Every plant buzzing with bees, and glistening glass in the windows


..and views out of story books...

And then there is the Bowling Green, a private house, a little way up the hill, with a garden also designed by Maynard:

