I’m planning a much more pared down look for my terrace this year, leaving me free from any deadheading so that I can concentrate on the wider garden. Here are a few images that are inspiring me right now. All of these planting combinations are predominately green and (as with most things in life) it is TEXTURE that creates the magic. That means a really healthy mix of big fat leaves, or leathery, shiny surfaces in with all the delicate, small foliage. There is also a healthy dose of height; there is nothing nicer than feeling enclosed and cosy within an outdoor space…remember that urge when you were a child? That’s why we all threw fabric over things and crawled beneath…we wanted to feel as if we were in a secret, womb-like space. It’s harder to do that outside than in, but as you can see here, you can use structures that plants can clamber up, or hooks to hang baskets from, and obviously trees for their canopy. Ferns are also a must. See my post on my favourite evergreen ferns for containers here.
Softened lines are also a key element here. Lots of creeping plants (soleirolia, thyme, etc have been used to populate the cracks between paving stones. Seating is also crucial (and deserves a post of its own really) but the pink sofa really adds to the cosy feel; and a comfortable place to sit (whether or not you actually have time to sit in it) is crucial.
I’m going to see if I can’t channel some of this vibe over the coming year, and I’ll be clipping, training and adding a couple of key elements to achieve this. Watch this space!

x Laetitia