This weird warmth highlights the fact that temperature has nothing to do with my feeling iffy at this time of's all about light levels.
So here is another better-making series of things, for when you're feeling a bit Novemberish.
This time I'll be adding some non-planty stuff to each post...because there are things I like OTHER than gardening....(just saying).
There's a voice in my sounds a bit like Kelly Rowland (no, I don't know why)...and she's saying:
....plant some bulbs.
You do this by getting hold of some bulbs and burying them in compost....IT'S THAT SIMPLE.....really.
I have been VERY naughty and bought some READY PLANTED ONES (It's okay, no-one will know - these are Narcissus 'Geranium') and put them in a basket with my faithful friend sphagnum moss. I found these at Clifton, where I was lurking today. Looking at this basket reminds me of Easter. I like that.
...get your toes done.
An instant heart-gladdener. I know it's winter, and nobody sees my toes....but I see them, and, well, I'm SOMEBODY. Colour: Chanel 307 'Orange Fizz', because it sounds like a petunia cultivar, and it makes my feet look tanned. I like that. something nice.
I went here, and clicked on 'donate'. Seeing the pictures made me giggle, and doing something (however small) about godawful cancer made me feel good. I like that.